Apex Modular Group’s team has over 20 years experience in providing modular buildings to the healthcare industry. We understand the unique needs of healthcare facilities and the importance of providing a facility that will meet the needs of your center or practice.
With an increased need for and focus on healthcare and wellness, there is a demand for quality structures that can be built quickly and at an affordable cost. Apex Modular Group
Apex’s modular buildings provide a greater return on investment as approximately 90% of the project can be completed off-site while the site is simultaneously being developed. This condenses the overall timeline and allows you to have a modular building 50% faster than a site-built facility.
Modular buildings can be set on a foundation like traditional site-built facilities. The facade can be such that there is no noticeable difference between a modular and site-built project.
Although not an all-inclusive list, our modular buildings can be used for:
- assisted living facilities
- hospitals
- medical and dental offices
- professional buildings
- rehabilitation facilities
- wellness centers